An extremely rare seal of high military interest
Los 3014
Kemales (Turkish Kemal), protospatharios and strategos of the Black Mountain (Mauron Oros), 11th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 11.87 g, 12 h). Θ / ΘЄ/O-Δ/ⲰP/O, Nimbate facing bust of Saint Theodore, holding a spear over his right shoulder, and resting a shield on his left arm. Rev. +KЄMA/ΛHC A’CΠA/ΘAP, S CTP,/THΓ, MAPA / OP[૪] in five lines. Seyrig 183. An extremely rare seal of high military interest. Very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The theme of Mauron Oros, or the ‘Black Mountain’ (a mountain range to the north of Antioch), was headed by a strategos but was dependent on the doux of Antioch. The fortress was a key Byzantine stronghold on the eastern frontier, and the theme was responsible for providing archers. The first strategos was Michael Bourtzes in the 10th century, after which the command disappears from the sources. It was re-established in the second half of the 11th century, as evidenced by this seal type. The name of the commander, Kemal, is Turkish, and it is quite possible that he was once in the service of the Arab emirs before switching sides to become a Byzantine general.
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